• (08) 9161 1712
  • adminassist@wyac.org.au
What We Do

Our Programs

The purpose of our programs is to keep children and young people active and engaged so that they stay on a positive life path. These programs are designed in conjunction with the Western Australia Police Force, the community, other key partners, and are often inspired by the young people themselves.

Early Intervention

WYAC provides a range of diversionary and recreational holiday programs with a vast array of activities offered at both.

Empowerment Program

WYAC provides a range of diversionary and recreational holiday programs with a vast array of activities offered at both.

Youth Justice

WYAC provides a range of diversionary and recreational holiday programs with a vast array of activities offered at both.

Don’t Rob em, Fix em

WYAC provides a range of diversionary and recreational holiday programs with a vast array of activities offered at both.

Wyndham The Tidy Town

WYAC provides a range of diversionary and recreational holiday programs with a vast array of activities offered at both.